jueves, 15 de agosto de 2013

Google and the blanks to connect to internet

Written by Dean Romero in news

The search engine every time more is present either by themes or the recent closure of Google Now, the refusal by the Finder to delete the websites of downloads of their results and now is back in the spotlight thanks to the tests of viability which is carrying in the blank spaces to connect to the network.

The search engine every time is expanded by more horizons, already not happy with being in our emails, smartphones and computers every day, now intend to establish new patterns of connection to the network. I have to say that my personally does not seem bad, always and when they are the best at doing what they do or to that service in particular (which happens very often).

wpid google y mundo

Now the intention of the search engine is to provide connection of the internet in developing countries using the blanks left by the television networks, in this case the blank spaces would be used to provide internet access to low-cost countries where operators have not invested in infrastructure.

We must note that Google had already made some tests on the feasibility of this project in Cape Town with satisfactory results. The physical way in which these first investigations carried out was installing a range of coverage of long range antennas on the roof of some schools in order to give access of communications on the blanks in an area of 7 km.

The result of this first experiment was that 10 of the aforementioned city schools have been able to have for the first time of connection to the internet at a speed of between 2 and 10 Mb.

Certainly a success for the advancement of internet in underdeveloped countries.

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Google and the blanks to connect to internet

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